Definition of Phone line

1. Noun. A telephone connection.

Definition of Phone line

1. Noun. short for telephone line ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Phone Line

phone books
phone booth
phone booths
phone box
phone boxes
phone call
phone calls
phone card
phone cards
phone company
phone cord
phone hacking
phone home
phone it in
phone jack
phone line
phone lines
phone message
phone monkey
phone number
phone numbers
phone plug
phone service
phone survey
phone system
phone tag
phone tapper
phone up

Literary usage of Phone line

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Notes on Training, Field Artillery Details by Onorio. Moretti, Robert Melville Danford (1917)
"Trace the circuit through your phone (line to line) showing same by a continuous dashed line through the proper keys and switches. Ans. Shown in Plate XLVII ..."

2. Telecommuting: The Ride of the Future edited by Pamela Martin (1992)
"(2) Does the time spent on the phone by the employee warrant a separate phone line to be put into the residence for the days the employee will be ..."

3. Internet Costs & Cost Models for Public Libraries: Final Report by Charles R. McClure (1996)
"The equipment necessary for this type of connection includes a computer, a modem, and a phone line. Any type of computer will do, and most libraries will be ..."

4. Teachers & Technology: Making the Connection by DIANE Publishing Company (1995)
"In those that do, most are still using a single phone line connected to a dial-up ... However, only 2 percent of the classrooms had access to a phone line. ..."

5. Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties by United States, Charles Joseph Kappler (1904)
"A- J- • • phone line through operating, using, and maintaining a railway and telegraph and tele- phone line through the Indian Territory, beginning at a ..."

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